Sunday 4/1/2003 : SPRING TRAINING NEWS: Pete Reiserso has good batting practice sessions! Pete Reiserso showed good strike zone judgement! Bob Bailey showed good strike zone judgement! George Maddux has increased his throwing velocity! George Maddux has improved his control! Ted Williams displays more power in batting practice! Blue moon Odom has improved his control! David Stuck has increased his throwing velocity! David Stuck has improved his control! Joseph Woods has good pitching sessions! Joseph Woods has increased his throwing velocity! Joseph Woods has improved his control! Jiggs Donahue displays more power in batting practice! Don Kessinger has good batting practice sessions! Don Kessinger displays more power in batting practice! Brian Gray displays more power in batting practice! Brian Gray showed good strike zone judgement! Oswaldo Wingfield has improved his control! Tom Hughes has good pitching sessions! Tom Hughes has improved his control! Henry Mines has good pitching sessions! Henry Mines has improved his control! Christopher Williams has increased his throwing velocity! Brian Burchard displays more power in batting practice! Roger Bresnahan displays more power in batting practice! Roger Bresnahan showed good strike zone judgement! Hobe Ferris has good batting practice sessions! John Burg has good batting practice sessions! John Burg showed good strike zone judgement! Dewey Riley has increased his throwing velocity! Dewey Riley has improved his control! Robert Lauzon displays more power in batting practice! Robert Lauzon showed good strike zone judgement! Mark Carr has improved his control! Greg Meade has good pitching sessions! Greg Meade has increased his throwing velocity! Herb Glennon has good pitching sessions! Herb Glennon has increased his throwing velocity! Jacob Loewen has good pitching sessions! Jacob Loewen has improved his control! Raymond Bunyard has increased his throwing velocity! Raymond Bunyard has improved his control! Edgar Renteria displays more power in batting practice! Bill Coughlin has good batting practice sessions! Dan Driessen displays more power in batting practice! Dan Driessen showed good strike zone judgement! Jesse Hagemann has good batting practice sessions! Jesse Hagemann displays more power in batting practice! Jesse Hagemann showed good strike zone judgement! Jim Jackson has good batting practice sessions! Edward Wilson has good pitching sessions! Edward Wilson has increased his throwing velocity! Glen Hunter has good batting practice sessions! Glen Hunter showed good strike zone judgement! Douglas Tseng has good pitching sessions! Kevin Goldston has good batting practice sessions! Kevin Goldston showed good strike zone judgement! Shawn Lei has good batting practice sessions! Shawn Lei displays more power in batting practice! Daniel Fremont has increased his throwing velocity! Ronald Smith has good pitching sessions! Joseph Lokey has good pitching sessions! Joseph Lokey has increased his throwing velocity! Octavio Ward has increased his throwing velocity! Octavio Ward has improved his control! Gregory Jackson displays more power in batting practice! Gregory Jackson showed good strike zone judgement! Michael Gibson has good pitching sessions! William Castaldo showed good strike zone judgement! David Herb has good pitching sessions! David Herb has increased his throwing velocity! Leroy Pollard has good batting practice sessions! Leroy Pollard showed good strike zone judgement! Christopher Chitwood showed good strike zone judgement! Kristopher Bukowski displays more power in batting practice! Gary Dussault has good pitching sessions! Gary Dussault has increased his throwing velocity! Greg Alves has good pitching sessions! Greg Alves has increased his throwing velocity! Greg Alves has improved his control! Troy Mercado has improved his control! William Robinson has increased his throwing velocity!
Monday 4/7/2003 : Robert Lauzon increases his talent in hitting for average! Robert Lauzon increases his talent in hitting homers! Robert Lauzon increases his talent in taking walks! Herbert Falgout increases his talent in avoiding hits! Herbert Falgout increases his talent in avoiding walks! Edgar Renteria's talent in taking walks drops...
Monday 4/28/2003 : David Herb's talent in avoiding homers drops...
Monday 5/12/2003 : William Castaldo speed increases to A ...
Monday 5/19/2003 : Jim Jackson increases his talent in hitting homers! Jim Jackson increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts!
Monday 6/2/2003 : Blue moon Odom increases his talent in avoiding walks! Blue moon Odom increases his talent in getting strikeouts!
Monday 6/9/2003 : Steven Perez increases his talent in hitting homers! Steven Perez increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts!
Monday 6/16/2003 : Edgar Renteria range at SS increases to C ! Jim Jackson increases his talent in hitting for average! Jim Jackson increases his talent in hitting homers! Jim Jackson increases his talent in taking walks! Jim Jackson increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts! Joseph Lokey increases his talent in avoiding walks! Joseph Lokey increases his talent in getting strikeouts!